Baking ABC – Course with Monika Dąbrowska
Condensed knowledge about sourdough and bread in one day, for everyone. Passion for bread can become the foundation of your success!
About Course
We invite you to participate in a unique, one-day baking training, which will be led by the creator and owner of the artisan bakery Chleb i Monka – Monika Dąbrowska. You will learn various baking techniques, get to know the ingredients necessary for making dough, and learn how to create taste and texture of bread. The program will also cover the topic of fermentation, various types of flour, and the art of decorating loaves of bread.
During the training, we will focus on key aspects of the baking process, such as:
- Setting, running and troubleshooting wheat/rye sourdough and one-day starters – you will learn how to properly care for your sourdough, how to recognize its needs and how to effectively solve any problems.
- Hydration and baker’s percentages – we will explain what these concepts are and how they affect the consistency of the dough and the quality of the bread.
- Different ways of hydrating bread dough – depending on the effects you want to achieve.
- Basic techniques for kneading and shaping leavened and sourdough bread – you will learn how to work properly with the sourdough and leaven to obtain the ideal dough structure.

The training is practical, which means you will have the opportunity to gain experience under the supervision of a professional in a comfortable atmosphere and actively participate in the preparation and baking process.
Course program:
- Wheat-rye sourdough bread with oatmeal and linseed oil
- Rye tin bread made of ancient rye with rye sourdough
- Baguette with walnuts
- Classic French baguette
- Fougasse with olives
- Focaccia
We will take care of a great atmosphere, good coffee and lunch, so that no one runs out of energy. Multi-ingredient recipes, combining a multitude of flavors and textures in one recipe, will be prepared based on the best ingredients and modern equipment from leading companies in the industry.
The training takes place in a large, spacious space on the second floor of the Sempre building near where you will find a large parking lot. We invite you at 9:00, the training will end around 18:00, but please reserve a little more time for a group photo with diplomas and of course – tastings (you take all prepared products with you). The Sempre shop is also open until this hour, where you can stock up on accessories, equipment and raw materials for your business.
During the course we provide:
- Workstation equipped with the necessary equipment and materials necessary for work
- Raw materials
- Drinks, coffee, lunch
- A diploma confirming completion of the training and an apron with the Academy logo as a gift
- Attractive discounts on selected products that will be used during the training (workshops) in the Sempre store
- A photos from the training course and souvenir photos with the training instructor.
Pastry chef who will be your tutor:

Monika Dąbrowska – Winner of Hell’s Kitchen, which opened the door to the world of gastronomy for her, and then to the world of baking and confectionery. She gained culinary experience, among others, in Atelier Amaro, and then in Scandinavian three-star restaurants – Maaemo.
She perfected her baking knowledge independently, totally out of passion. She is the owner of the MONKA craft workshop in Warsaw’s Ursynów. It creates unforgettable, original, fragrant baked goods.
Have any questions? Please contact us directly:
Anna Cienkowska tel. 532 403 425 or Weronika Zaritska tel. 733 314 543 | You can also write to us at the following email address: E-mail: akademia@sempreinfo.pl
Fill out the form to book a date that suits you: